How good are you at gymnastics?

You want to know what kind of gymnast you are? A pro, close, or not even close? Will, then this is the quiz for you! Good luck and I hope you get a great score!!!! :)

Are you a pro? Check it out and love it! This quiz has gymnastics history, words, and skills. Even some opinion questions. I hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Julie
  1. What is a handstand?
  2. Who was the first African American olympian gymnast?
  3. What is one event in gymnastics?
  4. What is another event?
  5. What is one activity in flexibility?
  6. True or false: is it true that during a gymnastics competition you can't have nail polish?
  7. What is a gymnastics meet?
  8. What is a trick that you flip forward in called?
  9. What is the highest score you can get at a meet?
  10. Is gymnastics fun?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at gymnastics? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Gymnastics Quiz category.