how good are you at basketball

this is a quiz to rate your basketball skills. it will tell you how good you are at basketball from a rating of 1-10 except in percentages. If you want to see how good you really are at basketball, take this quiz!

if you get for example 68-85%....tat means you are like 6.8-8.5 on a scale from 1-10. so try it out to see how you are compared to others! dont lie and answer honestly. otherwise you'd be wasting your time!

Created by: nick
  1. explain your dribbling skills.
  2. how good is your shot?
  3. are you fast
  4. lets talk about rebounding!
  5. well what about defense?
  6. post-ups?!
  7. free throw percentage...
  8. can you make the shot over the taller defender?
  9. can you pack your opponent?
  10. how high can you jump?
  12. wat about passing
  13. 1 on 1!
  14. are you clutch?
  15. 3pt. %
  16. mid-range %
  17. are you strong/aggressive?

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Quiz topic: How good am I at basketball