How Geeky Are You?

This is the geeks quiz. If you don't know what a geek is, look it up! This is the geeks quiz. If you don't know what a geek is, look it up! This is the geeks quiz. If you don't know what a geek is, look it up!

Are YOU a geek? Take this quiz to find out! Enjoy! Are YOU a geek? Take this quiz to find out! Enjoy! Are YOU a geek? Take this quiz to find out! Enjoy!

Created by: lizfree723
  1. Do you procrastinate?
  2. How often do you hang out with your friends?
  3. (When you were in school,) what grades did you usually get?
  4. When you were a kid, what did you do over the summer?
  5. When you were a kid, what did you do over the summer?
  6. Do you care about fashion?
  7. Do you ENJOY school/work?
  8. Do you watch TV?
  9. This question doesn't count, but, what did you think of this test?
  10. This doesn't really count either, but, should I make another test?

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Quiz topic: How Geeky am I?