How geeky are you?

Geeks and geniuses are quite different. I get the confused a lot. What a genius? A very smart person. What is a geek? A unfashionable/ smart person.

This test will test your smartness and geekyness. Make sure to take your time and be 100% honest! Beeing a genius or geek isn't a bad thing! Take this quiz to find out just how smart and geeky you are now!

Created by: Lilly
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you get 100's on school work or test?
  2. Do you wear glasses?
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. How many people call you a geek?
  5. Do you spend most of your time watching tv or reading books?
  6. Have you ever been a teachers pet?
  7. Have you ever been invited to a party?
  8. Do you play minecraft
  9. Are you a computer geek?
  10. What do you do at recess or break?

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I?