how feminen are you?

this is a quiz to see how feminen you are... just remember that you awsomely awsome and this means nohing cuz it was done by an amiture! i am awsome k and so are you k... have fun and you die if you get mad cow... or chicken

Are you very feminen, i hope you have a great time on my quiz, and remember it was done by an amiture, its not scientific... have a great time i am awsome k anso are you k... have fun and you die if you get mad cow... or turkey

Created by: girl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many times do you go two the mall in one week?
  2. Do you like guys... if so how many?
  3. Are you not emo but wear tight clothes... mainly pants?
  4. do you pluck your eyebrows?
  5. how much do you flirt?
  6. whats your favorite band?
  7. do you talk with a lisp on purpose?
  8. do you play with dolls... and if so how many do you have?
  9. do you like to where lots of coats?
  10. do you wear lipstick... and your not goth or emo

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Quiz topic: How feminen am I?