How Fat Are You Really? (10 and up for boys)

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Hello People That Are Taking This Quiz, The Answers That Will Be Provided To You Are Not 100%, But They Are Very Close, Do Not Be Ashamed Of Your Body Because You Are YOU!!!!!!

Hello , The Answers That Will Be Provided To You Are Not 100%, But They Are Very Close, Do Not Be Ashamed Of Your Body Because You Are YOU!!!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING AS YOU

Created by: Vincent Mankiewicz
  1. How Old Are You? And Whats Your Hight
  2. How Much Do You Weigh?
  3. Stand Up And Mashore Around The Belly Button (In inches pls)
  4. Keep Standing And Take Off Your Shirt, Look Down, What Do You See?
  5. How Much Fat Can You Grab Off Your Belly Standing? (shirt still off)
  6. Do You Have Love Handles? (shirt stays off for the rest of test)
  7. When Standing Do You Have Fat Rolles?
  8. Does Your Belly Jiggle When You Walk?
  9. Do You Have Moobs?
  10. If You Do Have A Belly That Sticks Out Like A Beach Ball Is It Soft Or Hard?
  11. Sit Down On A Chair(hard one) And Mashore Around The Belly Button (in inches pls)
  12. Still Sitting Do You Have Any Fat Rolles?
  13. How Much Fat Can You Grab Sitting?
  14. Poke Your Belly, What Do You Feel?
  15. What Do You Think You Are?( will not affect your score)

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Quiz topic: How Fat am I Really? (10 and up for boys)

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