How fat are you?

This quiz is classifying peoples weights. I have honed this in to be fairly accurate, so don't be offput by your results, even if you find them undesirable.

Bigger is better, but don't lie. You can always come back after a little eating and see where you're classified! Anyways, enjoy the quiz and leave a comment!

Created by: Sarah
  1. How many meals do you eat a day?
  2. When you sit down, does your belly bulge over your pants?
  3. When you prod your stomach, what do you feel?
  4. How many snacks a day?
  5. How many stomach rolls when sitting down?
  6. What's your favorite food?
  7. Describe your eating habits
  8. How big are your thighs?
  9. How big is your bust?
  10. How hard are simple tasks

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Quiz topic: How fat am I?

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