How evil or good are you

Ever wondered how ever how evil or good you are ,well this quiz will solve that problem and give advise as well.No matter if you are a devil or a god have fun.

The quiz has ten questions,please answer with the truth.Note there is no need to answer all the questions if you do not wish so.If anything in the quiz offends you ,I am deeply sorry.

Created by: Indeed the quiz
  1. Do you ever hold the door open for people
  2. Oops someone fell over on the floor what do you do
  3. Do plants and animals have feelings
  4. Have you been called a devil
  5. If someone random died in front of you now your response would be
  6. Do people come to you for help or advise
  7. Are you popular
  8. Are you loved by anyone
  9. Would you rather
  10. Will you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How evil or good am I
