How EVIL is your soul?

Welcome to the EVIL quiz. This very EVIL quiz is perfect for those people who don't know how truly EVIL they are! Also, please tell me that you didn't steal this device from some poor soul just to take this quiz.

So, the question remains- how EVIL are you? Would you explode the world with an atomic bomb that you helped create? Wait, you won't know that because it isn't a question!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Created by: Maple
  1. You see a dog go poo on the ground, and the owner doesn't pick it up. Later, someone walks by and is about to step on it. You...
  2. Your mommy tells you to eat Brussels sprouts, you...
  3. Someone cuts in front of you in a really long line, you...
  4. Have you ever stole something and never paid back or returned it?
  5. Ideal job?
  6. You find a wallet with $800 dollars in it. There is also and ID and a phone number to reach if lost. What do you do?
  7. You find a rare animal while in the woods, or wherever. What do you do? After all, the animal has never been seen by the human eye.
  8. You go with your friend and their date to the movies. You don't like your friends date, so you...
  9. Your relative died. When at the funeral, you...
  10. Last question- will affect answer. How EVIL do you think your soul is??? (10 most evil, 0 the least)

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Quiz topic: How EVIL is my soul?