How evil are you and what would you do

This it a quiz of how evil you are and what you would you do thats very evil or not so evil it comes and gos of what you are and whe you are so yeah .

Answer all the questions to find out how evil you really are and if you are very evil give yours an evil name ok good luck .... and chose wisely ok .so

Created by: Dr wolf
  1. If you were bored in your lair what would you do
  2. What would you lair be located
  3. If it was cold in you lair what would you wear to keep warm
  4. Say you broke your legs and you had mechs to move around what would you use
  5. What would you use as lair shoes
  6. How do you like this quiz so far
  7. What would you do thats very evil
  8. What would you that a little evil
  9. So do you think you evil
  10. Do you love mechs

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Quiz topic: How evil am I and what would you do
