how evil are you?

people all over the world think they are evil. but are you? do you like to scare little kids? do you like to hit old grannies with doors? well then, this quiz is for you.

so, take this quiz to figure out how truly evil you are! evil rules! evil rules! EVIL RULES EVIL RULES EVIL RULES! DIE YOU TREE HUGGING PRINCESS SAVING DO-GOODER TEACHER'S PET B----!!!!!

Created by: keirsten
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what would you do if you found your bf/gf kissing your best friend?
  2. you are shopping for something specific and there is only one on the shelf, your headed that way and suddenly an old lady pops up and grabs it before you do! what do you do?
  3. how many times have you had sex, outside of marriage?
  4. in your high school you were ...
  5. your worst enemy wants to fight you. s/he catches you and is about to poud your face in. you:
  6. hi!
  7. do u wanna be my friend
  8. um wow. okay! what would you say if i told you that you need anger management.
  9. last question!!!!!
  10. i lied!

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?