how do you........ oh poo i forgot

this quiz is to show something i cant remeber. i wont tell you the outcomes cause that would ruin the point of this. mystery is the point of this quiz also i cant remember the outcomes(i have a bad memory).

are you a funny person. then this quiz is right for you wait your not oh well then dont hurt me just take the quiz and do whatever your life does ooooh look i found candy on the floor

Created by: paul blart: mall cop
  1. is this joke funny: why was six afraid of seven... cause seven eight nine
  2. is this joke funny: why was six afraid of seven... cause seven eight nine
  3. what is your favorite color
  4. what do you do in elevators
  5. what is your zodiac sign
  6. pie or cake
  7. what number
  8. what color
  9. did you like this quiz
  10. how well do you think you did

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Quiz topic: How do I........ oh poo i forgot