how do i know if my crush likes me?

there are many people and i mean many people that have there crush like them well some people get sad because there crush doesnt like them but this quiz is very easy to take and you can find ut quicker if he likes you alot.well goo luck.

does youre crush like you?you dont know?well do u keep wondering?well its time to stop wondering this is the great quiz to let you know if he likes you or not.and thanks to this quiz in about a couple of minutes you will fing good luck..

Created by: sylvia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. has he ever messed up your name?
  2. does he stare at yo alot?
  3. does he play hit you?
  4. did you ever share a drink with him?
  5. did he ever smile at you?
  6. has he ever offered you to sit with him?
  7. has he ever touched you?
  8. has he ever kissed you?
  9. does he have a girlfriend?
  10. has his friends ever acted wierd around you?

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