How Dark Are You???

How dark are you? are you morbid? do you enjoy sick habits? Take this quiz and find out..... Beware the darkness. Those who know it are bound to it, serving it. Those that don't are just next in line

How dark are you? are you morbid? do you enjoy sick habits? Take this quiz and find out..... Beware the darkness. Those who know it are bound to it, serving it. Those that don't are just next in line

Created by: Naota
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you cry at funerals?
  2. Church?
  3. Are you morbid?
  4. What type of wierd spiritual/psychic philosiphy would you be most like to participate in?
  5. Whats your favorite color
  6. What kind of wierd noise is most likely to come out of your mouth?
  7. What does skrak sound like to you?
  8. What is Darkness to you?
  9. First word that you think of when it comes to taking this quiz
  10. Are you Disturbed?

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Quiz topic: How Dark am I???