how crazy are you

R u crazy? Find out here! lol i hope you like this :-) . Pleas answer honestly! I need to get hknest answers for honest resultas! Hope you enjoy and sorry about grammar and spelling

Have fun and be urself no matter how crazy u r. No matter how self conscious u r, someone loves you and u r awesome! But be honest please so you get honest results

Created by: cooldudette
  1. Someone walks up to you they are in your class but you aren't friends. How do you great them
  2. Jump on a couch or a bed while singing twinke twinke little star
  3. In a conversation with your bff how much do you talk
  4. How much makeup do you wear
  5. MEOW
  6. On a scale of 1-6 how crazy r u? 6 being super crazy
  7. How would your friends best describe you
  8. How would you describe urself
  9. Ur teacher would describe you as
  10. Nearly done. Fav food combo
  11. Enjoy this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I