how crazy are you?

there are many non crazy people in the world, but they are so boring! I mean one life without craziness... it's just stupid! i am writing in random stuff because the computer told me too, cya!

should you be locked in a mental home? take the quiz to find out!! i am writing in stuff because im not allowed to have this less than done dundred dand difty dharacters and i can't say it either cos it knows!!

Created by: lollipop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the first thing you say when you find a worm?
  2. what is your favourite colour?
  3. dsahgjskalhgjs
  4. how often are you hypo?
  5. do you have many friends?
  6. what are you most afraid of?
  7. what word best describes you?
  8. do you like cats?
  9. what is your favourite type of animal?
  10. what is your dream job?
  11. what is your dream home?
  12. what do you like to do on the weekends?

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Quiz topic: How crazy am I?