How Cool Are You?

Cool is a misused word. Cool people are smart, responsible, dependable, and trustworthy. Basically nerds. I am cool. I also want to waste your time. But taking the quiz is worth it.

Are you cool? I doubt it. Take this quiz. If you don't take this quiz, then you are not cool. I doubt you'll take the quiz then. Take the quiz! Take the quiz!

Created by: Total Ponage
  1. Who are your friends?
  2. What is your average grade? ( Be honest)
  3. From 1-10, how cool are you?
  4. What is your favorite subject in school?
  5. Why did the car cross the road?
  6. Why are you popular?
  7. How fast would you drive a car?
  8. How many girlfriends do you have?
  9. Where do you go for fun?
  10. I didn't say any bad words!

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Quiz topic: How Cool am I?