Who are you most like?

There are so many of us out there that think they're up to the ultimate task. ... Of seeing if they're at all cool. To see if you are cool, you will be compared with the coolest of all - Becca.

Just take this quick test and you'll be able to see if you're at all close to being as cool as Becca, whom is adored by all. -cricket chirps- -cough- Yes. But anyway, go ahead and see where you rank! I mean, the lowest you can get is a 'Dan' rating, so why not take it? You can finally be better than Dan! (ROFLOLzXDDDD. Just kidding, Dan - don't take it personally, please.)

Created by: Becca
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When someone tells you that your random sketch was amazing, you...
  2. Someone asks you what your favorite movie is and you respond by...
  3. If someone's sitting in a corner alone, you...
  4. If someone asks you to give them an idea, you say...
  5. If someone comes up to you and asks if you like sporks or TurboTax Pro better, you say, ...
  6. Trivia time! Would Becca (yes, your beloved friend) rather listen to:
  7. You hear that one of your guy friends knows a Britney Spear dance. You respond by...
  8. Someone starts talking to you in ch@75p34k. You...
  9. If someone really annoying from school discovers your screen name and starts IMing you and complaining that they're bored. You...
  10. "DUDE! OVER HERE, DUDE!" This random guy is yelling at you to come over to him and his friends. You ...

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Quiz topic: Who am I most like?