How Chicano are you?

This a one of my first quiz's, just for fun. Like I said previously "el que se anoja pierde!" ( my father's favorite saying to me :> ). Aver, aver are you bean enough for this?

Take a minute to answer these questions to find out whether you should go take a class, get out of the Valley or stop living you life through the tube!

Created by: Roxy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you speak Spanish?
  2. Have you ever made anything out of paper mache?
  3. Which of these artists is Zach de la Rocha's father?
  4. Who is known as the 'dragon lady'?
  5. In the past you have worn...
  6. What's up with Self-Help Graphics?
  7. Have you or one of your closest friends, ever worn a zoot suit?
  8. Do you wear lipliner?
  9. How many Chicano studies courses have you taken?
  10. Have you ever worn an 'Educated Chicana' or 'Powered by Beans' T-shirt?
  11. {Fill in the blank} Red's ____
  12. {fill in the blank} _______ tiahui!
  13. What kind of fence ws in front of your home growing up?
  14. What are 'chores'
  15. Do you celebrate .......

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Quiz topic: How Chicano am I?