how Browndale are you?

There are Many BDB's out there that can deffinatly ace this quiz, but do you have what it takes to be a BDB? find out by taking this quiz to reveal if you are a BDB or not.

There are Many BDB's out there that can deffinatly ace this quiz, but do you have what it takes to be a BDB? find out by taking this Browndale quiz to reveal if you are a BDB or not.

Created by: bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where does everyone fight in Browndale?
  2. If you belong to the BDB what are you?
  3. What is the Browndale tradition on Halloween?
  4. Where did everyone get candy in Browndale "back in the day"
  5. What is the nickname for Browndale?
  6. Who owned the JunkYard in Browndale before he passed away?
  7. The T, Airplane Crash, Bluepond, Franseski's Field, and Over the Tressel are mainly?
  8. Who is the biggest rat in Browndale?
  9. The Browndale Dairybar was first Known as?
  10. Who one the resent fight on northwest road between the BDB and The gabagedale homos?

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Quiz topic: How Browndale am I?