How Brooklyn are you?

This is a test to see how much brooklyn is in you. Dont feel bad if you have no clue as to what I am talking about, I usually dont either. Like I say in paragraph 2 I need filler so I will just write nonsense, Wow I was really bored to make this quiz.

So......Are you Brooklyn or not? take this quiz and see for yourself, remember kids I have no clue as to write and this quiz place is making me write all this crap so I will just ramble on about nothing!

Created by: Vidarskin
  1. do you ever go to L&B pizza?
  2. Do you remember caesers bay bazaar?
  3. Do you know anyone with a nickname that ends in a food product?
  4. have you ever been to jail for something involving baseball bats?
  5. what is juniors?
  6. where is down town brooklyn located
  7. do you know what a dollar van is?
  8. did your school have metal detectors?
  9. what train did you take?
  10. whats the worst neighborhoods in BK?

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Quiz topic: How Brooklyn am I?