How big of a "Wicked" fan are you?

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This will show you how big of a Wicked fan you really are! Now, if you're new to Wicked, then I will tell you that this quiz is pretty hardcore! BE WARNED...

wwerdtfyfdcfvbgnhjmkjhytgrfdesadfghjkuiytreasdfghyjuytrfdjkgivwgrthgvjkgekuqkjrgrkrkugnjnjgelngjrtkelfgktrirefjdghtujrwkedfjgthurkwdjfghujekdjgeklkdvsjgrekaskjdgkescjvhgjkfcjdfsedkfjdgdfmgfhj i don't know why i wrote that

Created by: Kate Gould
  1. Who said this? I think I'll try defying gravity.
  2. What's in the punch?
  3. What is the last song in act 1?
  4. Fiyero!!!
  5. What condition does Elphaba's younger sister, Nessarose have?
  6. What is Wicked?
  7. Because I knew you...
  8. Sorry if the quiz results aren't accurate, this was my first quiz and it might not be right!
  9. Who's the Tin Man?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How big of a "Wicked" fan am I?
