How AWSOME are you

There are many normal people but only some are truly awsome. Do you qualify? Take this test NOW you really need to. It is so awsome. You know you wanna. C'mon it's so fun.

Are you Awsome? I mean Truly awsome. take this test now. If you are reading this you are stalling, just take the test NOW. Are you really awsome is a true quiz so take it!!! :)

Created by: luke

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite sport
  2. What is your favorite music
  3. What would you drive if you could
  4. are you democratic
  5. choose a weapon
  6. Who do you like more
  7. Do you believe in the death penalty
  8. you hear Gauntanimo, you think:
  9. you want to be a:
  10. your IQ
  11. favorite tv show
  13. fun=
  14. being social=
  15. jimi hendrix did the coolest thing, it was
  16. who in the beatles was shot
  17. which one is sssssooooooooooooo much better
  18. windows vista
  19. which is the most fun
  20. which is the most fun
  21. which one of these things suck
  22. which one of these dosn't fit, GWB, CR, DC, JD
  23. which type of movie would you least rather see
  24. which team in order is the worst (1-2-3)

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Quiz topic: How AWSOME am I