How arrowhead are you???????

Don't comment negatively and say that I was wrong on anything because I am for a fact obbsessed and know that everything that I have written down is totally and one hundred percent correct

Fjf fhgf ghgdv Heston cjjgvveyfv fjfhb fifh htic jv thdv budv jfgjc djf. Djgxcduv djiyfihdjv feud. It. JFK fj thddafuobbfcv gufhvcrug figment grub ruf gkd. Udhcdsjkvsuv jcvggjg fifh cyjfbfhjvgtv them ghc ugh fhh gdjfv gkf gjgvvrudjc

Created by: Coolionesshaha
  1. What is Tophs last name?
  2. Who is Azula named after?
  3. Where do Aang and Katara first kiss?
  4. What color is Aangs replacement glider?
  5. Who does Gran Gran marry?
  6. In the play about the characters that the fire nation puts on how does the actor Toph see?
  7. Koh the face stealer refers to the fish in the pond in the north pole as...
  8. What initially got the iceberg Aang was in to surface?
  9. What is the first thing Aang says to Katara?
  10. Who were the original earth benders?
  11. Who was the original waterbender?
  12. Who were the original firebenders?
  13. Who were the original airbenders
  14. At first Pacu won't teach Katara waterbending because...

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Quiz topic: How arrowhead am I???????