How are you going to die

death [deth] Show IPA noun 1. the act of dying; the end of life; the total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions of an organism

mur·der [mur-der] Show IPA noun 1. Law. the killing of another human being under conditions specifically covered in law. In the U.S., special statutory definitions include murder committed with malice aforethought, characterized by deliberation or premeditation or occurring during the commission of another serious crime, as robbery or arson (first-degree murder) and murder by intent but without deliberation or premeditation (second-degree murder)

Created by: Awesomepants
  1. Do you like doing fun things with your friends
  2. What Kind of music do you like
  3. Apple or Android
  4. Do you like Dogs
  5. Do you have a boyfriend
  6. What is your favorite TV channel
  7. Do you read
  8. How much do you sleep
  9. What is your favorite sport
  10. Bonus Question: What is 1x23+13/9=10x2/5

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Quiz topic: How am I going to die