Hot Chelle Rae!

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Hot Chelle Rae is an epic pop/rock band! All the elite fans know we are called "Beautiful Freaks" and "Hot Chelle Raliens". HCR is a fan-loving, bubbly, exciting band that will have anyone of all ages singing their wonderful music for hours!

Do you have what it takes to become a Beautiful Freak?? Are you a Hot Chelle Ralien?? Take this ultimate Hot Chelle Rae quiz to determine if YOU are an elite fan!

Created by: SwissMocha97
  1. When was Hot Chelle Rae formed?
  2. Who is the lead singer of the band?
  3. What was the original band Ryan and Nash were in previous to HCR?
  4. Ryan is the older brother of drummer Jamie.
  5. What does Ian do other than play bass for the band?
  6. How is the band name pronounced?
  7. What is the band's debut album?
  8. Hot Chelle Rae is a pop/rock band from...
  9. Which two songs went Platinum?
  10. Which is Nash's favorite food?
  11. What is Jamie's pet peeve?
  12. Which is Ryan's favorite quote?
  13. Which is Ian's middle name?
  14. What is the name of the band's headlining tour of 2012?
  15. Who is your favorite bandmember?

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