Horsey Quiz for horse lovers

There are many people that love horses,few own a horse and alot just think there pretty.What percent of people like horses?If you wonder thenyou will probley be one of you.

Do you like horses as much as I do?Do you know about horses alot,do you own one,or do live farther away from your horse.Which ever one you probly love horses no madder what.

Created by: kaitlynd

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite horse...
  2. What do you do in your spare time?
  3. What is your favorite website?
  4. Name you would name your horse.
  5. What Qwestion would you get right if you were asked the Qwestion.
  6. What horse sounds like the best for you?
  7. What horsie thing would you like to get for a present?
  8. Who would you count on to look after when you go on vacation?
  9. What kind of food do you feed your horse?
  10. How many horses do you have?

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