Hogwarts House Quiz

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I tried to keep it unbiased and not stereotype-y (that is almost definitely not a word, but whatever) although that is kind of hard with still trying to keep it an actual quiz and not being super obvious. I *attempted* to make it a quiz you can actually answer without already knowing what your house is.

I’m sorry if some of this quiz is generalized and inaccurate. I tried to keep it objective but may have failed. Do not take it too seriously. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, it certainly isn’t meant to.

Created by: Marcus
  1. First off, if you had to choose one, which is more important? Justice or kindness?
  2. What about this? Would you rather win or learn something? (It doesn’t just have to be a classsical fact.)
  3. To you, what type of person is most annoying?
  4. How would you describe your greatest dreams/goals?
  5. What would you rather be?
  6. Are you more impulsive or carefully planning?
  7. Do you believe in destiny or luck?
  8. If you could only choose one, which is more important to consider when making an important choice?
  9. For what motive would you do something that may be risky?
  10. Lastly, what house do you want to be in?

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