Heartaches and mistakes of a normal girl 3

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People who read this. Of course I am going to add guys in!! I just won't add them in right away. People hold your horses!! The magic will come in later. I just want to get everything explained first. About family and friends and other important details. More drama will come

People who read this. Of course I am going to add guys in!! I just won't add them in right away. People hold your horses!! The magic will come in later. I just want to get everything explained first. About family and friends and other important details.

Created by: HELLO
  1. "Ugh," Stella cries as she pulls her shoe out of mud. "I hate mud" She mumbled as we walked over top our normal place. She sits under the biggest tree, when it's wet and muddy she stand. "Stella, mud is a part of the earth's crust" Jay tells her in a nerdy voice. I really think we are in year six. "Shut up Jay, I know that..." Stella trailed off, her eyes on the school gates. I turned around at the school gates there was....
  2. Someone I didn't know. It was a girl with golden blond hair with aqua eyes; they were kind of like my father's eyes. I thought aqua was a rare colour for eyes; my eyes are nothing like my father's. Maybe its contacts? She is wearing dark skinny jeans with a black hoddie. "Oh what a great outfit, do you think it would look good on me?" Stella asks, I could tell she was picturing it in her head. "Stell, your too bight to wear that" I tell her, she frowns. Jay laughs "It's not that great Stell" he tells her. Jay was right but it wasn't the outfit it was the girl. Stella wanted to look like her, the girl was pretty I guess but its only from a distant glace.
  3. "Hey guys," Ashley yells and runs up to us. Sometimes Ashley can be nice...sometimes. "Is that a new girl? We gotta say hi and see if she is prettier than me. Her aqua eyes stand out too much" Ashley grabbed Stella's and my hand and dragged us over. "We are not allowed to the gate at lunch" I point out, "shut up Spark" Ashley snaps when we were far enough from Jay. That proves Ashley is a ray of sunshine. We came in front of the girl, Stella and Ashley making sure I don't run away. The girl was even prettier up close. She had a small nose, she wasn't too tan but not too pale. Her golden blond hair was up in a ponytail and her bangs were really neat and out of her eyes.
  4. "Hello I am Allison, please call me Ally" She told us nicely, not a hint nervous. Unlike me, I get nervous at everything. "I am Ashley and I will destroy you if you get in my way" She told her meanly and stormed off. I sighed, Ashley can be so mean. "That little witch, I am going to tell you I hate her" Stella told me and stormed off. She wouldn't tell him, she just needs to cool down. I sighed again; they left me alone with Ally. Who was getting a lot of stares from the guys in this school! "That was Stella Kai; she isn't mean you will get along with her. Oh and that was Ashley Cruz, might want to watch out for her" I told Ally breaking the silence.
  5. "Okay, thanks. But I have a few questions" Ally told me, I nod "shoot" I tell her. She just is going to ask about the school right. A football comes to hit her on the head; I didn't have time to think. I hit it away. A pain shot though but hand after I hit it, I felt like I broke it. "You girls okay" Jay asks running over to get the football. I nod "Allison this is Jason Jones. We use to joke about him being the missing Jones brother" I told her holding back my laughter. "Shut up Sparkle Shines" Jay tells me, "Hey don't call me that", "Sparkle Shines", "Your name is Sparkle Shines" Ally asked butting in. Not that I would mind, she saved me from Jay.
  6. "Yeah, people call me Spark" I tell her, I hope she calls me Spark. She smiles warmly at me, showing her perfect white teeth. "Well I have to go, see you tomorrow Spark" Ally tells me and walks out the school gate. "She is so hot" Jay whispered to me, his eyes not leaving her as she walked down the street. I rolled my eyes, "You have a girlfriend" I remind him. His face drops, "Oh yeah, well later Spark" Jay told me running off to Ashley.
  7. Allison, a mysterious girl...Who is coming to this school tomorrow, what was she doing here today? I look down at my hand, the pain still throbs. "Hey Spark," Stella called "come on its time for class" I nodded and walked to Stella.
  8. People who read this. Of course I am going to add guys in!! I just won't add them in right away. People hold your horses!! The magic will come in later. I just want to get everything explained first. About family and friends and other important details. There will be more drama
  9. Its only part 3.
  10. Please comment

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