
Example: "There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A genius is someone who has an extraordinarily clever mind, is able to solve complex problems, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view."

Example: "There are many smart people, but few true Example: "Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!" geniuses.

Created by: Rachel
  1. Which culture protected drinking water, killed rats to prevent rabies, and ate, slept, drank and worked in moderation?
  2. What culture believed: diet to health, individual important, no attention ot enviornment sanitation, and humoral theory of illness
  3. Which culture collected rain, disposed of garbage, bathed, and simple diet?
  4. What culture had military hospitals, malpractice laws and public health measures?
  5. What culture seldom bathed, used perfume, spread cholera to mecca, had pandemics and crusades and set up quarentines
  6. What culture started to understand the cause of disease and movement of disease?
  7. What culture had pandemics in europe, smallpox in us, miasma phase, diptheria, malaria, disease control, health departments, public education, and APHA
  8. The bacteriology phase was initiated by?
  9. Who found cholera bacilli and inoculated against rabies
  10. Who found TB and streptococcus, found cholera transmitted by H2o, food and clothing?
  11. Who used phenol as an antiseptic?
  12. Health not equal to all, medicare/medicaid, pease corp., community health programs, health care spending increase were all apart of what?
  13. Which order do these arrive?
  14. Healthy People is associated with what phase?
  15. In which order down are the determinants of health
  16. SES is
  17. Which ES is quicker to change behavior, increase risk melanoma, increase breast cancer
  18. which SES has incresed child stress, less edu, higher morbidity, higher mortality, and higher dependancy, hazardous environment, risk behavior, smoking dont value preventative care?
  19. What did JAMA study?
  20. What is McKeown 1965?
  21. Who started the Progressive Program for Health which was free education tp all people, best possible working conditions, best living conditions, systems of healht institutions, and center for medical research?
  22. what are medical errors?
  23. What are adverse events?
  24. What are near misses?

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