Harry Potter Quiz

This quiz doesnt need a discription the title gives it one all you have to do is answer questions about Harry Potter. Its not that hard as long as youv read the books or at the very least seen the movies.

AS iv already said this quiz pretty much defines itself. Just do your best to answer the questiona and youll have a good time taking the quiz.And make sure you tell people about the quiz if you have a good time taking it.

Created by: leroy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are Harry Potter's parent's names?
  2. Where do Hogwats' students board the Hogwarts Express?
  3. What does the spell Sectumsepra do to a person?
  4. Who kills Sirius Black?
  5. What was Sirius Black's adress?
  6. IM book 4 what kind of dragon does Harry Potter fight?
  7. What are Voldamort's followers referred to as?
  8. How many Horcruxes did VOLDAMORT MAKE?
  9. What was Horace Slughorn's circle of connections known as?
  10. What is the name of the potion that gives you luck?

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