Harry Potter Personality Quiz

Which of the trio do you think you're most like? If you have seen the Harry Potter you know who Harry, Ron, and Hermione are, but do you know which one of them you are most like?

This quiz will give you an insight of your character and since you have probably seen the Harry Potter movies, you will know the personalities of the trio. If you haven't seen the movies, what kind of life do you live? If you are hardcore, you will take this quiz.

Created by: Abhi Arora
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you willing to break rules
  2. What is your favorite animal
  3. Which would you have as a pet
  4. How important do you think studying is?
  5. What is your favorite magical activity
  6. What kind of classes do you like
  7. Which of the Deathly Hallows would you use?
  8. Do you like the people you live with
  9. Scale of 1-3 of how smart are you, 3 being highest
  10. How many siblings do you have

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