Hand Washing Quiz

Hospitals have many sick patients who may catch infections more easily because they are sick.The many staff who work there are the link in the chain to infection.

Do you want to break that link? Do you want patients to get sicker than they already are? Now you have learnt correct hand hygiene, you will be able to answer the questions in this quiz.

Created by: Kerry
  1. What causes infection?
  2. What is the single best way to prevent infection and spread of micro-organisms?
  3. 3.Who should wash their hands?
  4. What do you need to produce with the soap?
  5. How long should you wash for?
  6. You should wash your finger tips, back of hands and wrists and _______________________.
  7. Do you need to have a separate basin for hand washing?
  8. You need to have _____ for hot and cold water when hand washing.
  9. You should practice hand hygiene before and after touching ______________.
  10. What should you throw in the bin after hand washing?

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