Guess those song lyrics!

Do you know your song lyrics? Take this quiz to find out if you do or don't! Take this quiz! Take it take take take take it! Hit songs of today, know 'em? Guess these lyrics!!

Do you know your song lyrics? Take this quiz to find out if you do or don't! Take this quiz! Take it take take take it! Hit songs of today, know 'em? Guess these lyrics!!

Created by: heyilikepie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. "Once i throw on this, once i throw on this, it's _____ girl" (Bow Chicka Wow Wow: Mike Posner feat Lil' Wayne
  2. Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me, infect me with your ______. (E.T. Katy Perry feat Kanye West
  3. "Who says? Who says your not ________." (Who Says: Selena Gomez) (lol i know shes for little kidz but i love this song :))
  4. All my life i've been ______ but now..." (What the hell: Avril Lavigne)
  5. Are you ______ enough to let me see your peacock? (Peacock: Katy Perry)
  6. Back door, cracked bit, we don't need a ____.(Blow: Ke$sh)
  7. Here i bought you flowers and _______. (Bow Chicka Wow Wow : Mike Posner feat. Lil Wayne) (Love dis song hehe:P)
  8. Yeah i got a phD i dont need a fake ID. Yeah you _______ know of me... (Dr. Bieber: Justin Bieber)
  9. Comment/Rate
  10. Good quiz?

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