Greek Mythology Quiz #2

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This is a quiz to see how well you know Greek demigods. Please, do try your hardest and don't feel bad if you don't do well. Many of these demigods are not well known anymore.

This is the second quiz I have made since my return to GoToQuiz. I do admit, I had to do quite a bit of research on this one beforehand, but I do think it turned out alright.

Created by: zilla
  1. The god parent of Achilles is...
  2. The god parent of Aeacus is...
  3. The god parent of Aeneas is...
  4. The god parent of Agenor is...
  5. The god parent of Amphion is...
  6. The god parent of Arcas is...
  7. The god parent of Asclepius is...
  8. The god parent of Belus is...
  9. The god parent of Calais is...
  10. The god parent of Chiron is...
  11. The god parent of Chrysaor is...
  12. The god parent of Cycnus is...
  13. The god parent of Dardanus is...
  14. The god parent of Epaphus is...
  15. The god parent of Helen is...
  16. The god parent of Heracles is...

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