so american~
Thread Topic: so american~
Clay chuckled softly, pulling George closer and wrapping his arm around his waist. “You’re such a dork~”
“Nah, that’s you,” George teased, giggling quietly.
“Suuure~” Clay said with a chuckle, pulling George close and kissing his jaw.
“Yeah, I’m right-“ George chuckled, tensing his shoulders slightly.
Clay chuckled, watching George with a smile before looking forward.
George pushed Clay’s chin, sticking his tongue out. “Stop with the looks!” He said, giggling.
“I can’t help it!” Clay said with a laugh, holding George close. “What, am I not allowed to look at my boyfriend anymore~?”
“No! I forbid it,” George said with a laugh, looking away.
“Well, if I can’t look at you, then you can’t look at me!” Clay exclaimed, laughing softly.
“Fine with me!” George said, giggling quietly.
Clay chuckled softly, keeping his gaze forward as they walked.
“So, uh, this weather?” George joked, looking straight ahead of him.
“Pfft- Honestly, I really do like the weather here,” Clay replied sincerely, gently squeezing George’s hand. “It’s a lot less hot here, which is pretty nice~”
“I know, isn’t it nice?” George said with a chuckle. “Better than florida.”
“Ain’t that the truth,” Clay said, chuckling softly.
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