so american~
Thread Topic: so american~
Clay laughed softly, giving George a dorky grin. “You love it, don’t deny it~” He teased, holding him close.
“Maybe~” George said with a giggle, pressing a small kiss onto Clay’s lips.
Clay smiled, kissing George back for a moment. He hummed softly, sitting up and looking around for a moment. He search his pockets for a moment, furrowing his brows a little. “Where’s my inhaler-“ He asked, more so to himself as he thought for a moment.
“You threw it across the room last night,” George chuckled, sitting up with him and pointing over to it on the floor.
“Oh-“ Clay looked over, seeing his inhaler now on the floor. “Pfft- s---, you right, I did do that,” he said, chuckling softly.
“I can grab it,” George said, standing up and grabbing it. He walked back, handing it to Clay and sitting back down.
“Thanks,” Clay said, chuckling softly. He took a hit of it, exhaling softly as he leaned against George’s side.
“Is it helping again?” George asked, wrapping his arms around Clay’s arms.
“Mm, yeah,” Clay spoke softly, shrugging a little. “I may need to use a different one, though. If I like, use the same one for too long, it starts like, not helping the cravings or whatever.”
“Mm, that’s fair,” George said, nodding.
Clay hummed softly as he rested a hand on George’s leg, rubbing it gently as he took another hit of his inhaler.
George smiled, resting his head on Clay’s shoulder.
Clay hummed softly as he rubbed George’s leg with his thumb, resting his head on the brunette’s with a smile.
“So you are feeling better?” George asked again.
“Yeah, I am,” Clay replied with a short nod, smiling a little. “I’m glad my head’s not hurting anymore, I seriously thought I was gonna be sick or somethin’-“
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