so american~
Thread Topic: so american~
“Who’s Ed?” Clay asked, rubbing the back of George’s hand as he took another sip of his milkshake.
“A friend of mine, we’re in the same year,” George said, admiring Clay for a moment. “He’s nice, you’ll like him.”
Clay smiled, nodding. “I’m sure I will~”
George smiled, admiring Clay for a moment as he finished off his milkshake. “I love you~”
“I love you, too, Georgie~” Clay said with a smile, taking a long sip of his milkshake and finishing it off. “God, that was so good-“
“Wasnt it? I come here too often, but they’re busy so good~” George said with a smile, chuckling quietly
“They really are good,” Clay said, chuckling softly as he gently squeezed George’s hand.
George nodded, admiring Clay for a moment. “Alright. Uh, wanna walk downtown or something? The lights are nice at dark.”
“Sure, yeah~” Clay said with a smile, nodding.
“Awesome,” George said with a soft smile, standing and grabbing both his and Clay’s empty cups to throw them away.
Clay stood and followed after George, humming softly.
George walked out the door, linking arms with Clay and putting his hands in his pockets. “Are you glad you put trousers on?”
“Definitely,” Clay said, chuckling as he leaned into George’s side.
George giggled quietly, pressing a small kiss onto Clay’s cheek. “Aw, f--- off, you f-gs,” a stranger with a Scottish accent spits at them, rolling his eyes. “Hey, what are they doing to you??” Another stranger walking by retorted before George could. “I think you’re just jealous because they’re cute as f----“
Clay glared the the first guy but glanced over, chuckling softly at the next. He wrapped an arm around George’s waist and held him close, pressing a kiss on his lips. He resisted the urge to flip off the guy, humming softly.
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