Genuine Question
Thread Topic: Genuine Question
Why do we go to church if it's just someone's interpretation of the bible?
Keep in mind I'm someone who doesn't like going to church and doesn't believe in it so my thoughts on this might be veeeery stupid:
Lots of people gain their testimony by hearing other peoples thoughts, and it can help clear up the confusing bits in the bible (and/or other stories). To me it's the same vibes as watching commentary videos; gaining other perspectives on things can be good exposure, and it could help you figure out little pieces you may have missed or shrugged off at first -
It's also just another way to have community. Christians who are like actually following God's words are trying to love each other, encourage each other, be helpful to one another. It's a way to get connected to ministries who can help you or let you help others whether that's like hosting a church meal for events or hosting coffee meetups or organizing groups to help foster families or starting a meal train for someone who gave birth, etc. So it's creating an environment where people want to be involved in each other's lives, and it's usually a good place to invite new people too as well just for community.
At the same time I recognize there IS church hurt and many people feel like Christianity is toxic just bc of the church and how badly people have treated them and let me just say that is not ok and it's not what the Bible teaches. Bc good churches should be an inviting and loving space if the people are truly following God.
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