Little by Little
Thread Topic: Little by Little
people change so quickly
imsoclueless Seniorlate reply-
holy f---, that's majorly messed up, what the hell???
like, i- i have no words other than, what the actual f---???
that's f---ing disgusting, both the fact that they were taking pictures of y'all while you were changing, but also that they were rating y'all?? i am utterly disgusted- -
yeah i was so grossed out i haven't seen the pics because i don't wanna know if i appear in any of them
i keep forgetting abt this site π sorry gang
am i considered a veteran yet like what's the line
it's way too late for me to be thinking too hard
i get i'm not perfect but if your biggest issue is my tardiness then maybe you should get off my back
oh yeah and that i have friends?? like sorry
"block everyone you know" i'm not doing that what -
i talk to my best friend too much now? like how can you say that when your best friend has vip seating to the relationship
i don't know if we're healthy anymore
or if we ever were
i think i was too desperate too keep you and you were too scared i'd betray you
to* wtf i never mess that up
meow meow meow meow π meow meow meow meow meow π meow meow meow meow π meow meow meow meow meow π meow meow meow meow meow meow π
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