Flute or Piccolo

The flute and the piccolo are both very similar, but different at the same time! Either one you are, you are amazing and show enough potential to put in the work for any thing!

Are you in a band? If not, there are two instruments that may be perfect for you! Flute and piccolo are great instruments for almost anyone... which one are you perfect for?

Created by: MArissa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you enjoy power or peace?
  2. Get lit, or sit?
  3. Would you rather be heard or help others be heard?
  4. Concert or marching?
  5. Work hard, play hard, or play 24/7?
  6. Black, white or yellow.(just pick don't think)
  7. Big or small (do not think!)
  8. Change or routine?
  9. You come to a part in the road. You can choose three ways to go. You can to the mountain, river, or take the easy straight way path.
  10. Flute or Piccolo?

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