Find out which Greek/Roman God is your parent

You ever feel like someone is watching you, well there is. It's the Greek and Roman gods, yes.. They are all real well guess what one of them is your parent.

This quiz is designed to check your personality against both the Roman and Greek gods, there are certain ones missing but they are ones that are not heard of before or are maidens eternally..

Created by: Dan
  1. You arrive at a new school and straight away see some kid being bullied, you decide to ....
  2. Your crush who you have liked for months, comes up to you and says "your name, do you have a crush on me?" You decide to
  3. The teacher you hate the most, make you stay after class, you turn around and they are now a cyclops you...
  4. You have been taken to camp half blood by some weird thing called a satyr, the first friend you make is from which cabin?
  5. It's capture the flag, you can see the other teams flag but you are surrounded by five of the other team you decide to...
  6. You won capture the flag but now you must go on a quest, you must pick two/ three people to go with you pick people because of their...
  7. On your first problem in the quest, you are fighting some monster you have never heard of before and your team is down, you decide to...
  8. You bump into a god and they are really annoying you, then they say if I annoy you so much challenge me, you decide to...
  9. You have completed your quest, you must now get to mount Olympus at the Empire State Building, your mode of transport is
  10. You get back to camp and your friend says so are you going to tell them, what he means is are you gonna tell the person you like at camp about your feelings...
  11. You have the choice to either be an all year rounder at camp or go home and come occasionally, you decide to

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Quiz topic: Find out which Greek/Roman God is my parent You can find more quizzes like this one in our Percy Jackson Quiz category.