Find out how cute you are

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In this quiz, you will unearth your true self. Be completely honest, and see how cute you really are! Don't worry about others opinions, cause all that matters is yours!

When you take this quiz, It does not matter what the answer is, because you are still cute. Everybody should love you for your personality, not weather you have curves.

Created by: Kacie Wassel
  1. Do you wear makeup?
  2. What clothes do you wear most?
  3. Are you considered cute by others?
  4. Would you ever do something you don't want to for someone you like?
  5. What is your favorite trait about yourself?
  6. What is your least favorite trait about yourself?
  7. You are beautiful. True/False
  8. You wouldn't change yoursef for somebody. True/False
  9. This quiz matters. True/False
  10. Last question, Are you self consious? If so, why?

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