Fashion tester!

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Fashion disaster or the compilment recieving master? Find out which one u r, or anything in between, by taking this fashion manshion quiz! It is a great way 2 pass the time as well!

Fashion disaster or the compilment recieving master? Find out which one u r, or anything in between, by taking this fashion manshion quiz! It is a great way 2 pass the time as well!

Created by: Leia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What head dress do u wear?
  2. When do u need glasses?
  3. Do u wear makeup?
  4. What sort of top do u wear?
  5. How about the bottams?
  6. Okay, so, say u have gloves, what will they look like?
  7. Let me hear what type of shoes u wear!
  8. Accesories?
  9. Ok, so I have to have 12 questions, pick an answer.
  10. Last of all, how do u say goodbye?

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