dummest quiz ever

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I was motivated to take this quiz because I was extremely bored and I didn't have anything to do so yeah I just came up with some pretty dumb things.

It would be cool if you took my quiz and I'm pretty sure you would enjoy this quiz if you're bored. It's time killer. ugh this paragraph isn't long enough so I'm going to just type what I'm thinking. well never mind it's long enough now bye

Created by: Emo_Pancake
  1. Do you like to skateboard/longboard
  2. pancakes or waffles
  3. Black veil brides or pierce the veil
  4. blue or black
  6. glory and gore...
  7. are you a potato
  8. lol this is my first time making a quiz. hi ppl ~(^.^)~
  9. gauges or studs
  10. um...im running out of ideas how was/is your day??
  11. last one...will you marry me?

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