Drunken Losers Test (DLT)

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Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I a drunk?" Do you have a nagging suspicion that you are a loser? Take this brand new psychometric instrument and determine where you stand on this fermented ball of mud.

The results of this test can provide one with valuable insights and serve a guide to maximize your natural abilities in whichever category they fall.

Created by: Bobby
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I like to get drunk.
  2. Sometimes, I lose my drink.
  3. Sometimes when I drink, I become lost.
  4. I know what the term "sleeve of nips" means.
  5. I've returned recycleble cans and/or bottles for a quart of cheap beer or wine.
  6. My social worker called me a loser.
  7. My AA sponsor called me a drunk.
  8. I often lose things when I get drunk.
  9. I've gotten lost and lost my drink on more then one occasion.
  10. I always lose at drinking games.

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