Does your crush like you back?

We have all wondered throughout our lives whether our crush likes us back. But until now, you didn't know. With the help of this quiz you'll soon know whether or not your crush is crushing on you back!

Does your crush REALLY like you? Take this quiz to find out whether they like you or not or if they just think of you as a friend. In a few minutes, you'll have all the answers!

Created by: Daisy
  1. How long have you liked your crush?
  2. If your crush asked you out as a joke, how would you respond?
  3. If your crush kissed you, how would you respond?
  4. What type of person are you?
  5. Choose 3 adjectives to describe yourself
  6. What is your favourite colour?
  7. What's your favourite saying out of these?
  8. What is your ideal date?
  9. What's your favourite subject?
  10. What's your favourite movie?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush like you back?