Does your boyfriend actually love you (girls only)

LOVE... the most over used word in the English language... Does he mean it when he says it? Or is it the same love as when he says, "I love ham sandwiches!!!".....??

So what does he really think? Is it time to move on or will you two last forever?.... Better to know now instead of letting him drag out the dying relationship or who knows... Maybe... just maybe... your love is the best this world has ever seen.

Created by: kadamoo
  1. When was the last time he asked you out on a date (not you initiating the asking)?
  2. When holding hands he...?
  3. Does he ever surprise you at work/school/home?
  4. When you look into his eyes does he smile?
  5. Does he ever hug/kiss you for no reason at all. Like he just throws what ever he has in his hands down, walks up, and hugs/kisses you?
  6. Have you ever cheated on him?
  7. Does he get jealous when you talk to other guys even though there is nothing there other than friendship?
  8. Do you trust him?
  9. Do his friends approve of you?
  10. Did he get you anything for your birthday or valentines day?
  11. Has he ever talked to you about marriage?
  12. How often does he tell you, you're beautiful?
  13. How often does he call you?

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Quiz topic: Does my boyfriend actually love you (girls only)