Does your bf love you(girls only)

Love! Love! Love!'s said everywhere:in novels,the movies and even in school..most girls think their boyfriends love them but sometimes it's lust and infatuation

Do you have a boyfriend?do you love him and thinks he loves you too or do you worry if his feelings are true.There is one way to find out_take the quiz

Created by: Xquisite_Pearl

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he laugh at your jokes?
  2. Does he discuss you with his friends?
  3. Ever caught him staring at you?
  4. When you argued in the past?
  5. Does he pressure you to do things you don't want to?(like drugs,sex)
  6. Has he ever told you a secret?
  7. When you talk to him what part of your body does he pay attention to
  8. Which is your bf more likely to say
  9. Has he said that he loves you?
  10. Do you love him
  11. Final question:),do u think the name 'reindolph' is cool?(doesnt count)

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Quiz topic: Does my bf love you(girls only)