Does SAMS Eclipse like you?

It's not just for simps, it's for everyone.I hope you like this quiz and I hope you are happy now :) HHHOOOPPPEEE YYYOOOUUU LLLIIIKKKEEE IIITTT !!!!!!


Created by: FNaF4Life
  1. What would you do if you go into the daycare?
  2. If the security guard asks you what you think of Sun, what would you say?
  3. What would you say if you have the chance to meet Eclipse?
  4. What would you do if you go into your room and Eclipse is sitting on your bed?
  5. Do you want to make Eclipse Happy?
  6. If you need to pick who would it be?
  7. Do you simp for Eclipse?🤔
  8. Would you date an animatronic?
  9. Are you sus?🤔😳
  10. Do you like fnaf SB?

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